Jar Melo 4 in 1 Paper Craft Kits / 美乐童年 4 合 1 纸制工艺套件
by Jar MeloAGES 6+ Product Details: 铝箔艺术和钻石绘画书籍,纸上化妆游戏,旅行玩具,女孩礼品玩具 4 合 1 公主化妆乐趣:用这款纸质公主化妆套装释放孩子的创造力! 从面部化妆到皇冠、耳环和项链的精美贴纸,到连衣裙的钻石装饰 - 这是一个神奇的转变世界。 公主纸化妆乐趣:用眼影和腮红打造令人惊叹的公主造型。 使用准备好的眼影和腮红给图片中的可爱人物一个充满活力和迷人的改造。 您的小宝贝成为她梦想中的化妆师! 公主炫目贴纸书的乐趣:皇冠、项链、耳环、彩色镜片和假睫毛装扮:用预先准备好的配饰,如皇冠、项链、耳环、彩色镜片和假睫毛提升公主造型。 看着您的小宝贝用这些迷人的装饰品将普通人物变成皇室。 公主钻石绘画乐趣:闪耀闪耀! 使用准备好的钻石绘画套件,用美丽的宝石装饰公主礼服。 您的孩子可以进行设计和装饰,为皇家舞会打造衣柜般的贴合。 ❤ Princess 发光铝箔贴纸乐趣:只需从公主礼服上撕下贴纸,换成闪闪发光的公主,穿上闪闪发光的礼服! 孩子们会对自己的创造力感到惊讶! 女孩的时尚启蒙:激发时尚达人! 这款化妆和手工套装非常适合年轻时尚爱好者,培养创造力,释放他们内在的风格。 这是一种将他们带到时尚和自我表达的世界的奇妙方式。 适合任何场合的完美礼物,无论是圣诞节、生日还是派对,这都是送给小女孩的终极礼物。 让他们在沉闷的时刻娱乐,同时用这套令人愉悦而迷人的纸质化妆品和手工套装激发他们的创造力。 🌟 4 IN 1 Princess...Regular price $23.99Quick view -
Jar Melo Children's Sand Art Painting Kit, DIY Sand Art, Big Size 美乐艺术沙画套装
by Jar MeloAGES 3+ Product Details This is a fun pack for children to use as they explore art-making with color and sand. All materials are eco-friendly Supplied with a tray, all loose sand can...Regular price $29.99Quick view -
Jar Melo Kids Friendly Nail Stickers/美乐童年无毒防水指甲贴
by Jar MeloAGES 3+ Product Details: For sweet little ones(540stickers) Nail Stickers- For awesome little ones (540stickers) Ideal Age: 3y+ Printed using Environment-Friendly Water-Based ink Non-toxic, odorless, waterproof and kids-friendly Long last for 3-5 days has...Sale price $15.99Regular price $23.99Quick view -
Joan Miro Rock Painting Miro Rock Painting Acrylic Paint Set
byJoan Miro AGES 3+ Product Details Smooth river stones provide the ideal surfaces to create vibrant designs, everything from curled up kitties to picturesque landscapes. Kit includes a full-color packed with super project suggestions, acrylic paint...Regular price $39.99Quick view -
Jar Melo Safe Finger Paints for Toddlers 美乐幼儿手指颜料无毒可水洗
by Jar MeloAGES 2+ Product Details 🎨【Safe Finger Paints】Kids are born with a natural instinct for painting, and their fingers serve as excellent first brushes. Allowing children to engage in freehand finger painting is a very...Sale price From $15.99Regular price $23.99Quick view -
Joan Miro Rock Painting Miro Rock Painting Acrylic Paint Set
byJoan Miro AGES 3+ Product Details Smooth river stones provide the ideal surfaces to create vibrant designs, everything from curled up kitties to picturesque landscapes. Kit includes a full-color packed with super project suggestions, acrylic paint...Regular price $23.99Quick view